CTF Writeups

Participating in cybersecurity competitions is a vital part of staying current. CTFs, or Capture-The-Flag, competitions pit teams against each other to solve various challenges. These challenges will test their skills in a variety of categories. Categories range from Open-Source Intelligence, Cryptography, Digital Forensics, and more.


SpookyCTF 2023

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Lead Developer


JerseyCTF III took place in April 2023. More will be coming soon, especially as we prepare for JerseyCTF IV!


Deadface CTF

Deadface CTF is one of the most anticipated competitions of the year - at least at NICC! We don't create it - so that makes it even more enjoyable. You know, like when someone else cooks for you. It just tastes better, y'know?

This year I earned 3 badges from Deadface CTF: Contributor, FirstBlood, and Participant. I'll be detailing just how and why I earned these badges at the competition after this project concludes!

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