My Projects

This is a short summary of some of my most relevant projects. For a full listing, go to my GitHub.

A sticker from SpookyCTF depicting a UFO over NYC

SpookyCTF 2023

SpookyCTF 2023 was the second iteration of SpookyCTF held by NICC. As President and lead developer, I coordinated challenge creation, testing, and deployment. 

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The JerseyCTF Logo - a lock on a lightning bolt

JerseyCTF 2023

As one of the lead developers at JerseyCTF 2023, I worked on numerous challenges across various categories. The challenges from JerseyCTF 2023 will remain visible until  Spring 2024.

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A photo by Ilya Pavlov from Unsplash displaying code on a screen.


The Cyber-Toolkit consists of various tools I've used in penetration testing or while shoring up defenses. It's still a work in progress, with new tools added semi-regularly.

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A screenshot from CommonGrounds website


CommonGrounds was a project developed during IT-490 at NJIT. It tasked my team with developing a full-stack, from scratch web-application.

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